Awards & Patents


  • China Patent: Motion control method and system for quadruped robot CN202111401734.7
  • China Patent: Open-loop control method and system for jumping action of rat-like quadruped robot (Application Accepted)
  • China Patent: A miniature folding-wing bionic jumping and gliding integrated robot (Application Accepted)
  • China Patent: Microminiature optoelectronic bionic tactile sensors and tactile sensing methods (In progress)


  • Best Paper in Robotics, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (IEEE RCAR 2023)
  • National Grand Prize, The 17th “Challenge Cup” National College Students’ Science and Technology Innovation Competition
  • Provincial Second Prize, Beijing Machinery Design Innovation Competition
  • Provincial Second Prize, Beijing Internet Plus Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
  • Provincial Second Prize, Beijing College Students Engineering Practice and Innovation Ability Competition
  • Project approved by BIT: The Micro-Bionic Robot Design with High Obstacle Crossing (Top 10 in College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Projects)
  • Bronze Award, The 1st BIT Entrepreneurship Cup Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and the 13th Challenge Cup School Audition Competition: Smart Rat-Let Narrow Space No Longer Be Secretive
  • Second Prize, Mechanical Innovation Design Competition (University Level)
  • Academic Scholarship Award (Obtained for 3 years in a row, a total of 30,000 RMB)